Saturday 4 December 2010

10 for £1

As I'm clearly obsessed with the Royal Family, I decided to visit Buckingham Palace today. Although that was lovely, 30 photos of Buckingham Palace aren't that interesting to look at on their own - so I'm going to experiment with them first. Instead, here are some postcards and souvenir shops around Buckingham Palace. I also went into the official Buckingham Palace shop, but wasn't allowed to take photos (bummer), but they had some amazingly tacky souvenirs - including a buckingham palace rain coat, buckingham palace booze, and most randomly buckingham palace lip balm?? I also thought it would be interesting to point out that, while all of the 'unofficial' souvenir shops had Princess Diana souvenirs, in the Buckingham Palace shop, there was nothing to do with Diana at all...hmmmmm.

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